For the purpose of this chapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
"ADDITION." Any expansion or enlargement of an existing commercial establishment.
"ARCADE." An area contiguous to a street or plaza that is open and unobstructed, and that is accessible to the public at all times. Arcades may include building columns, landscaping, statuary and fountains. Arcades do not include off-street loading/unloading areas, driveways or parking areas.
"ARTICULATE." Emphasis to or distinctly identify a particular element on the face of a wall including a change in setback, materials, roof pitch or height.
"BERM." An earthen mound designed to provide visual interest on a site, screen undesirable views, reduce noise or provide a buffer from adjoining uses.
"BREEZEWAY." A structure for the principal purpose of connecting a main building or structure on a property with other buildings.
"BUFFER." An area provided to reduce the conflict between two different land uses. Buffers are intended to mitigate undesired views, noise and glare – effectively providing greater privacy to neighboring land uses. Typical buffers consist of materials that serve this purpose and include, but are not limited to, plant materials, walls, fences and/or significant land area to separate the uses (see also "Screen").
"BUFFER STRIP." A portion of a lot or property used to visually separate one use from another through the use of vegetation, distance or other approved method.
"BUILDING FACE, FRONT." Any building face, which can be touched by a line drawn perpendicular to street (public or private).
"BUILDING FACE, PUBLIC." Any building site which is visible from public or private right-of-ways and/or the faces that contain public entry.
"BUILDING MASS." A building’s expanse or bulk and is typically used in reference to structures of considerable size.
"COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENT." A permitted use located in P-1, B-1, B-2, B-3, B-4, B-5, or LIP or any conditional use as listed in the adopted Zoning Regulations for All of Nelson County but not including commercial establishments used entirely for industrial purposes and structures located in the Historic District of Bardstown.
"DESIGN GUIDELINES." Statements and graphics intended to direct the planning and development of the built environment in a particular manner or style so that the end result contributes positively to the overall development.
"DORMER." A window set vertically in a gable projecting from a sloping roof. Expansion or Enlargement Any addition to an existing commercial establishment.
"FACADE." The portion of any exterior elevation on the building extending form grade to the top of the parapet, wall or eaves and extending the entire length of the building.
"FRONT YARD." The portion of the front yard extending the full width of the lot and measured between the front lot line and a parallel line across the front of the building. Corner and double lots shall adhere to the front yard setback(s) for each frontage.
"GABLE." A triangular wall section at the end of a pitched roof, bounded by the two slopes.
"HIP ROOF." Roof without gables.
"PARAPET." The portion of a wall that extends above the roof line.
"PEDESTRIAN ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT." Development designed with an emphasis primarily on the street sidewalk and on pedestrian access to the site and buildings/structures rather than on auto access. The buildings/structures are generally located close to the public or private right-of-way and the main entrance(s) in orientated to the street sidewalk. There are generally windows or display cases along building facades. Although parking is provided, it is generally limited in size and location.
"PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY." A surfaced walkway, separate from the traveled portion of a public or private right-of-way or parking lot/driving aisle.
"PORTICO." A porch or walkway with a roof supported by columns, often leading to the entrance to a building.
"RIGHT-OF-WAY, PUBLIC OR PRIVATE." Any public or private road, access easement intended to provide public access to any lot/development, but excluding any service road or internal driving aisles (i.e., within parking lots).
"SCREEN." A structure to block views and constructed of opaque materials and whose height will be effective in obstructing unwanted views. (See also "buffer".)
"SETBACK." A prescribed distance or an area between one element and another (i.e., a building and the road right-of-way). Within these guidelines, the term also refers to: The minimum distance and the area measured from the property line to the interior of a parcel where buildings may be constructed. The required distance and the area between the edge of the parking lot pavement curb and the property line or buildings/structures. Placing a building face on a line to the rear of another building line.
"STREETSCAPE." All elements of a development or area that are in view from other points along a street.
(Ord.795, passed 1-27-04)