The fees adopted by the Joint City-County Planning Commission are as follows:
(A) Building permits. $.04 per square foot (area to be based upon the outside dimensions of the building as per standard appraisal methods) with basement, porches, carports, and accessory buildings being assessed at the rate of $.02 per square foot. The fee shall be rounded off to the nearest whole dollar.
Minimum fee $ 10
Maximum fee 500
(B) Zoning map or text amendments.
(1) For a request to amend the zoning map and text of any parcel of land from its present zoning to an Agricultural (A-1) status, the applicant shall be assessed a flat fee of $100.
(2) For any other type of zoning map or text amendment except a Planned Unit Development (PUD), the rate shall be based upon an acreage basis as follows:
0 to 1.49 acres $100
1.5 to 2.9 acres 175
3.0 to 4.9 acres 250
5.0 or more acres 500
Minimum fee $100
Maximum fee 500
(3) A refund equal to fifty percent (50%) of the fee paid for a rezoning by the applicant shall be returned to the applicant should the rezoning be denied by the appropriate legislative body.
(4) For the review of a Planned Unit Development (PUD), the applicant shall be assessed $250 plus the same fee as a regular rezoning request based upon the above acreage basis.
Minimum fee $250
Maximum fee 750
(C) Board of Adjustment. $50 plus the same fee as a regular zoning map or text amendment for any conditional use of any land.
Trailer permit $25 flat rate
Plat fee 5 per lot
Sign permit 10 per sign
Certificate of occupancy 5
(D) Late fee.
(1) In addition to the above fees, an automatic $25 late fee will be assigned to any applicant who begins construction, erects a sign, or in any other way initiates actions prior to receiving the proper permit or applicable permission from the Planning and Zoning Board to perform these acts.
(2) When such action is the unauthorized construction of a principal building upon a parcel of land, the late fee shall be double the above amount.
(3) This fee is in addition to, and not in lieu of, any penalties for violations of the regulations. Payment of this late fee will in no way exonerate or excuse the applicant from applying in appropriate manner and complying with the normal requirements and standard fees for the permission or applicable permit which is needed.
(Ord. 150, passed 12-13-77; Am. Ord. 239, passed 5-3-82)