The Mayor has the authority to deny or revoke any mobile food vendor permit for the following reasons:
(A) Any felony or misdemeanor conviction for the following offenses:
(1) Larceny;
(2) Assault;
(3) Domestic violence crimes;
(4) Fraud;
(5) Sex crimes;
(6) Drug-related crimes;
(7) Crimes against children and/or vulnerable adults;
(8) Any other criminal offenses directly related to fitness for a license or permit;
(B) A history of traffic violations of an applicant for mobile vendor;
(C) Discovery of facts supporting lack of business responsibility or discovery of any reason that the applicant presents a risk to citizens if permitted to engage in activities as a mobile food vendor; and
(D) Noncompliance with any applicable City of Bardstown ordinance or regulation provision or state laws, rules or regulations.
(Ord. 2014-03, passed 1-28-14)