(A)   Sidewalks are required to be constructed in the street right-of-way adjacent to property on which any new buildings are constructed after 6-1-2001.
   (B)   All sidewalks improved by placing walks with a permanent surfacing on any public highway or street within the city shall be so improved by constructing the sidewalks with concrete or other acceptable surface as described in Ch. 1240 of the Development Code and in accordance with the specifications prescribed by the Director of Public Service and/or the City Engineer and shall be of the width prescribed by Ch. 1240 of the Development Code. The sidewalk shall be so laid that the top surface shall be properly roughened to prevent it from becoming slippery when wet, and the roughened finish shall be of such character as, in the judgment of the Director of Public Service and/or the City Engineer, will effectively prevent the slippery condition of such walks at all times.
(Prior Code, § 1028.02) (Ord. 109-2001, passed 5-29-2001)