71.01 Speed limits
71.02 Attaching bicycles, motorcycles, toy vehicles and the like to moving vehicles
71.03 Riding on handlebars, frame and the like; riding without hands on handlebars
71.04 No through traffic on Azalea Circle
71.99 Penalty
Statutory reference:
Authority to regulate traffic, see G.S. § 160A-300
Authority to regulate traffic, see G.S. § 160A-300
(A) Except in those cases in which speed limits differing from those provided by state law have been adopted by ordinance of the Town Council where required by law, and by the erection within the town of signs giving notice of the authorized speed limits, the speed limits established by state law shall apply within the town.
(B) A schedule of all authorized variations from such limits, together with copies of ordinances of the Town Council, shall be maintained on file in the office of the Town Clerk.
(Prior Code, § 71.01)
Speed limits listed, see § 70.09
Speed limits listed, see § 70.09
Statutory reference:
Speed restrictions; authority of town to impose certain speed limits, see G.S. §§ 20-141, 20-144, 20-145, 20-169
Speed restrictions; authority of town to impose certain speed limits, see G.S. §§ 20-141, 20-144, 20-145, 20-169
Any person riding upon any bicycle, motorcycle, coaster, sled, roller skates or any toy vehicle shall not attach such vehicle or himself or herself to any public conveyance or moving vehicle upon any roadway.
(Prior Code, § 71.03) Penalty, see § 71.99
(A) The operator of a motorcycle or bicycle, when upon a street, shall not carry any person upon the handlebars, frame or tank of his or her vehicle, nor shall any person so ride upon any such vehicle.
(B) No person shall ride a bicycle or motorcycle on any street without having his or her hands on the handlebars.
(Prior Code, § 71.04) Penalty, see § 71.99
It shall be unlawful for through vehicular traffic to pass through Azalea Circle for the purpose of avoiding compliance with a traffic-control device.
(Res. passed - -2018) Penalty, see § 71.99