(A)   The person making a land division shall have the responsibility of providing the following improvements and pursuant to plans and specifications as approved by the City Engineer and in conformance with the design standards contained in this chapter:
      (1)   All street grading;
      (2)   Installation of roadway curbs and permanent roadway paving;
      (3)   Installation of facilities for proper storm drainage and erosion control facilities;
      (4)   Installation of sidewalks;
      (5)   Sanitary sewers;
      (6)   Water mains;
      (7)   Street trees;
      (8)   Street lights; and
      (9)   Landscaping and other improvements of common areas, buffer areas, playgrounds, trails entry features, and the like.
   (B)   The city shall not issue a building permit and shall withhold all public improvements of whatsoever nature, including the maintenance of streets, furnishing sewer facilities and water and electric services in all subdivisions or partitions until adequate provision for the installation of the improvements required shall have been made by the divider or his or her successor in interest. The advance provisions for public improvements may include the formation of a local improvement district, cash deposits, surety bonds, or legally binding escrows sufficient to discharge the full amount of the divider's liability for necessary and required facilities and improvements. The advance provisions for other improvements may also include the bonds and other binding agreements as may be acceptable to the city. In addition, the city may require a maintenance bond or insurance to assure repair or replacement of defective improvements within the subdivision up to 3 years after acceptance by the city.
(Ord. 2021-08-02, passed 10-12-2021) Penalty, see § 152.999