This section provides additional development standards for mixed-use developments. The primary intent of these standards and criteria is to balance the needs of nonresidential uses for access, visibility, parking, loading, safety, and economic development with the needs of residential uses for privacy, security, and relative quiet.
   (A)   Loading and unloading activities of mixed-use developments. Where applicable, the covenants, conditions, and restrictions of a mixed-use development shall indicate the times when the loading and unloading of goods may occur on the street, provided that, in no event, shall loading or unloading take place after 10:00 p.m. or before 7:00 a.m. on any day of the week.
   (B)   Lighting standards for mixed-use developments. Lighting for nonresidential uses shall be appropriately designed, located, and shielded to ensure that they do not negatively impact the residential uses in the development nor any adjacent residential uses.
   (C)   Recycling and refuse storage facilities standards for mixed-use developments. Recycling and refuse storage facilities for nonresidential uses shall be located as far as possible from residential units and shall be completely screened from view from the residential portion of the development. Recycling and refuse storage facilities for nonresidential uses shall be compatible in architectural design and details with the overall project. The location and design of trash enclosures shall mitigate nuisances from odors when residential uses might be impacted. Trash areas for food service and sales uses, when occupying the same building as residential uses, shall be refrigerated to control odor.
   (D)   Integration and standards for nonresidential uses in vertical mixed-use buildings.
      (1)   Nonresidential uses shall be located along street frontages and shall have a minimum depth of 18 feet. The responsible review authority may reduce the depth requirements for nonresidential uses located on a secondary street.
      (2)   On corner parcels, the nonresidential space shall turn (wrap around) the corner for a distance of at least 50% of the building façade, but not less than 30 feet along secondary/side streets. The termination of use shall occur at an architectural break in the building.
   (E)   Residential noise notice. Residents of new mixed-use development projects in the Mixed Use Zones (MU-1 or MU-2), whether owners or tenants, shall be notified in writing before taking up residence that they will be living in an urban-type environment and that the noise levels may be higher than a strictly residential area. The covenants, conditions, and restrictions of a residential or mixed-use project shall require that prospective residents acknowledge the receipt of the written noise notification. Signatures shall confirm receipt and understanding of this information.
(Ord. 1346, passed 5-2-12)