(A)   (1)   It is unlawful for any person who is a member of a "criminal street gang" as that term is defined in Cal. Penal Code § 186.22(f) or who is in the company of or acting in concert with a member of a "criminal street gang" to loiter or idle in a "public place" as defined in BPMC § 130.07(B) under any of the following circumstances:
      (2)   With the intent to publicize a criminal street gang's dominance over certain territory in order to intimidate non-members of the gang from entering, remaining in, or using the public place or adjacent area;
      (3)   With the intent to conceal on-going commerce in illegal drugs or other unlawful activity.
   (B)   For purposes of this chapter, a "public place" means the public way and any other location open to the public, whether publicly or privately owned, including, but not limited to any street, sidewalk, avenue, highway, road, curb area, alley, park, playground or other public ground or public building, any common area of a school, hospital, apartment house, office building, transport facility, shop, privately owned place of amusement, entertainment, or eating place. Any "public place" also includes the front yard area, driveway and walkway of any private residence, business, or apartment house.
(Ord. 1203, passed 5-28-03) Penalty, see § 130.99