Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to grant any person obtaining and maintaining a tobacco retailer's license any status or right other than the limited conditional privilege to act as a tobacco retailer at the location in the city identified on the face of the permit. For example, nothing in this chapter shall be construed to render inapplicable, supercede, or apply in lieu of, any other provision of applicable law, including but not limited to, any provision of this Code, including, without limitation, the zoning ordinance, building codes, and business license tax ordinance, or any condition or limitation on smoking in an enclosed place of employment pursuant to Cal. Lab. Code § 6404.5. For example, obtaining a tobacco retailer license does not make the retailer a "retail or wholesale tobacco shop" for the purposes of Cal. Lab. Code § 6404.5.
(Ord. 1321, passed 10-1-08)