General Provisions
124.010 Definitions
124.020 Permits required
Application and Permits
124.030 Adult-oriented business permit required
124.040 Applications
124.050 Investigation and action on application
124.060 Decision to grant or deny permit
124.070 Transfer of adult-oriented business permits
124.080 Adult-oriented business performer permit
124.090 Investigation and action on application
124.100 Suspension or revocation of adult-oriented business permits and adult-oriented business performer permits
124.110 Appeal of denial, suspension, or revocation
Facilities and Employees
124.120 Adult-oriented business development and performance standards
124.130 Register and permit number of employees
124.140 Display of permit and identification cards
124.150 Employment of and services rendered to persons under the age of 18 years prohibited
Miscellaneous Provisions
124.160 Inspection
124.170 Regulations nonexclusive
124.180 Employment of persons without permits unlawful
124.190 Time limit for filing application for permit