Every taxicab shall be equipped at all times with one or more of the following taxi emergency notifications systems:
   (A)   A warning light system mounted on the roof which is operable from the interior of the taxicab;
   (B)   An emergency signal on the taxicab’s radio which transmits to the taxicab’s dispatcher;
   (C)   An automobile vehicle locator system (e.g., On-Star or equivalent);
   (D)   A Lojack locating device, or its equivalent;
   (E)   A shield separating the front seats of the taxicab from the back seats;
   (F)   Another safety device or safety policy consistent with the intent of this section and as approved by the Police Department of the city.
(Ord. 1254, passed 12-1-04; Am. Ord. 1255, passed 1-5-05)