114.01 Definitions
114.02 Franchise to install and operate system
114.03 System standards
114.04 Franchise fee; amount or payment
114.05 Inspection of records
114.06 Application for franchise
114.07 Franchise term; duration and termination
114.08 Bonds, indemnifications, liquidated damages, insurance
114.09 Acceptance of franchise
114.10 Limitations of franchise
114.11 Transfer of ownership or control
114.12 Rights reserved to city
114.13 Rules and regulations
114.14 Regulation of franchise
114.15 Right of intervention
114.16 Rates and charges
114.17 Effect of annexations
114.18 Safety requirements
114.19 Right to privacy of subscribers
114.20 Removal of facilities upon request
114.21 Consultant's costs to be borne by grantee
114.22 Receivership
114.23 Service to subscribers
114.24 Financial disclosure of independent consultant
114.25 Authorization to solicit, sell, distribute and charge; traversing of city
114.26 Prohibited acts
114.27 Jurisdiction; standards and rates contractual
114.28 Written notice to subscriber
114.29 Filing with City Clerk
114.30 Violations
Statutory reference:
Community antenna TV systems, see Cal. Gov't Code § 53066