(A)   In the event any territory shall be annexed to the city which is not served by a system pursuant to franchise issued by a governmental agency, the territory may become a part of the service area of a grantee if so ordered by the Council after conducting a public hearing.
   (B)   In the event any portion of territory annexed to the city is covered by an existing franchise or license granted by a governmental agency other than the city and if the grantee of the franchise or license has not commenced installation of a system within the territory, it shall be deemed not to be served by a system, and all rights acquired by the grantee under its franchise or license shall terminate by operation of law as of the date on which the annexation to the city becomes effective.
   (C)   If the annexed area is served by a franchise or license issued by another public entity, such services may continue, subject to the provisions of the franchise or license and the provisions of this chapter during the balance of the term of the franchise or license, provided all franchise fees shall be paid to the city.
('83 Code, § 5.24.170) (Ord. 912, passed - -85)