(A)   Conformance with subdivision regulations. An urban lot split must conform to all applicable objective requirements of the Subdivision Map Act, including implementing requirements of this section and Ch. 152. However, no dedication of rights-of-way or construction of offsite improvements is required solely for an urban lot split.
   (B)   Lot size. The parcel map for an urban lot split is limited to subdividing an existing lot to create no more than two new lots of approximately equal area, where at least one newly created lot is at least 40% or more of the lot area of the original lot, with a minimum size of 1,200 square feet. The lot to be split must have an area of at least 2,400 square feet.
   (C)   Easements. Easements within a parcel map for an urban lot split shall comply with the following:
      (1)   The owner shall enter into an easement agreement with each utility/public-service provider to establish easements that are sufficient for the provision of public services and facilities to each of the resulting lots.
      (2)   Each easement shall be shown on the tentative parcel map and the final parcel map.
      (3)   Copies of the unrecorded easement agreements shall be submitted with the application. The easement agreements shall be recorded against the property before the final parcel map may be approved.
   (D)   Lot access. Access for each lot within a parcel map for an urban lot split shall have a minimum frontage to the adjacent public street as follows:
      (1)   Lot that is 50 feet or less in width: nine feet.
      (2)   Lot that is more than 50 feet in width: 12 feet.
   (E)   Improvements required. Each resulting lot must be developed in accordance with improvement plans processed concurrently with the parcel map application and approved by the city, showing the location and dimensions of all structures, driveways, parking areas, pedestrian pathways, and other improvements proposed to be constructed or to remain on each lot. Approval of a parcel map for an urban lot split shall be subject to the city’s approval of such related improvement plans and all related approvals required by law.
   (F)   Required affidavit. The applicant for a parcel map for an urban lot split must include a signed affidavit on forms provided by the city stating that the owner of the original lot intends to occupy one of the dwelling units on one of the resulting lots as principal residence for a minimum of three years after the final parcel map for the urban lot split is recorded.
(Ord. 1503, passed 7-5-23)