TENANT. The lessee of facility space at an applicable development project.
TOBACCO SHOP. An establishment which offers tobacco products for sale and/or where smoking is permitted, such as hookah lounges, cigar clubs, and other private smoking businesses.
TOWNHOUSE UNIT. A dwelling unit which shares a common interior wall with another dwelling unit and no portion of which is above or below another dwelling unit.
TRANSPORTATION FACILITY. Facility for loading, unloading and transferring passengers, baggage and incidental freight between modes of transportation. These uses include bus or truck terminals, taxi dispatch yards, railroad stations and public transit stations..
TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT (TDM). The alteration of travel behavior usually on the part of commuters through programs of incentives, services and policies. TDM addresses alternatives to single-occupant vehicles such as carpooling and vanpooling, and changes in work schedules that move trips out of the peak period or eliminate them altogether (as in the case of telecommuting or compressed work weeks).
TRANSFER STATION. An area, including any necessary building or structures, for the temporary storage and the salvage of rubbish, garbage or industrial waste.
TREE OF HISTORIC VALUE. A tree that has been related to historical events or circumstances and has been found to be of significance to the community and is so designated by action of the Tree Advisory Board.
TRIP REDUCTION. Reduction in the number of work-related trips made by single-occupant vehicles.
(Ord. 1346, passed 5-2-12)