§ 153.220.070 F DEFINITIONS.
   FAMILY. A group of persons, whether related or unrelated, who live together in a nontransient and interactive manner, including the joint use of common areas of the premises which they occupy and sharing household activities and responsibilities such as meals, chores and expenses. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any group of persons required to be considered as a FAMILY for zoning purposes pursuant to Cal. Health & Safety Code §§ 1267.8, 1566.3, 1568.0831, 1569.85, 11834.23 or any other state law shall be deemed to be a family for purposes of this code.
   FENCE. An artificially constructed barrier of any material or combination of materials erected to enclose or screen areas of land.
   FLAG. A piece of fabric or canvas, usually rectangular or triangular in shape, displaying colors, graphics, symbols and/or written copy that are noncommercial in nature, designed to be flown from a flag pole. This definition does not include pennants, which contain commercial messages.
   FLOOR AREA. The total horizontal floor area of all the floors of a building included within the surrounding walls, exclusive of vents, shafts, courts, elevators, stairways, porches, patios, terraces and similar facilities.
   FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR). A ratio derived by dividing the total net floor area of all structures built and maintained on a lot, including the main building and accessory buildings, by the lot area.
   FOOD AND BEVERAGE SALES. The retail sale of food and beverages for off-sire preparation or consumption.
      CONVENIENCE STORE. A high-volume retail facility that sells a variety of products for consumption off-premises, including, but not limited to, food and beverages, snacks, alcoholic beverages, household goods, magazines and accessory automobile supplies.
      GROCERY STORE. A self-service food, beverage and associated consumer goods store divided into departments and also offering prepared foods and food service. May include secondary uses within the store for visitor convenience, such as banking services, retail sales of non-food items and a pharmacy.
      LIQUOR STORE. A retail establishment primarily engaged in the sale of beer, wine, and spirits, and regulated by the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. See also ALCOHOL SALES, OFF-SALE OUTLET.
      SPECIALTY STORE. Includes establishments such as delis, coffee shops, bakeries, and produce stores.
   FOOD PROCESSING PLANT. Establishment engaged in the manufacturing or processing of food or beverages for wholesale distribution.   
   FREESTANDING AUTOMATED TELLER MACHINE/KISOK. A machine not on the premises of a financial institution, either manned or unmanned, that engages in receiving deposits and dispensing cash money from walk-up individuals. This definition does not include an unmanned automated teller machine that is located wholly within the confines of a retail seller engaged primarily in the business of selling consumer goods and/or perishables.
   FREEWAY LOT FRONTAGE. A property line abutting a freeway right-of-way or separated from a freeway only by a frontage road.
(Ord. 1346, passed 5-2-12)