§ 153.220.050 D DEFINITIONS.
   DANCE STUDIO. Any facility in which classes are offered and held on a regular basis that teach the techniques of any dance, aerobic routine, martial art or other similar activity for compensation. Such use may include facilities for the occasional recital performance of such classes for persons enrolled in the class.
   DEMOLITION PERMIT. A permit issued to allow the demolition of a historic building or any building or structure located in a historic district.
   DENSITY. The total number of permanent residential dwelling units per acre of land, exclusive of all existing public right-of-way surfaces or similar property.
   DESIGN GUIDELINES. The Baldwin Park Designs Guidelines Manual.
   DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE. The Design Review Committee of the City of Baldwin Park.
   DEVELOPER. The builder who is responsible for the planning, design and construction of an applicable development project. A DEVELOPER may be responsible for implementing the provisions of this chapter as determined by the property owner.
   DEVELOPMENT. A manmade change to a piece of property that involves the construction, reconstruction, alteration or removal of a building or structure, including mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavation or drilling operations.
   DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. Regulations establishing parameters on size, bulk and siting of buildings or uses within a particular zoning district.
   DIRECTOR. The Director of the Community Development Department of the City of Baldwin Park.
   DIRECT SALES. A transaction between a cottage food operator and a consumer, where the consumer purchases the cottage food product directly from the cottage food operator. Examples include, but are not limited to, holiday bazaars, temporary events, bake sales, food swaps, certified farmers’ markets and community-supported agricultural subscriptions.
   DISABILITY. As defined under the Federal Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 and California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act, a physical or mental impairment that limits one or more major life activities. An individual with a DISABILITY is anyone who is regarded as having that type of impairment, or anyone who has a record of that type of impairment. The disability discrimination provisions of the Fair Housing Act do not extend to persons who claim to be disabled solely on the basis of having been adjudicated a juvenile delinquent, having a criminal record or being a sex offender. Furthermore, the Fair Housing Act does not protect persons who currently use illegal drugs, persons who have been convicted of the manufacture or sale of illegal drugs, or persons with or without disabilities who present a direct threat to the persons or property of others.
   DOUBLE-LOADED. A type of site planning that is identifiable by showing residential planned development units along both sides of a public street.
   DRIVE-THROUGH ESTABLISHMENTS. Establishments that provide services accessible to persons who remain in their motor vehicles.
   DRIVEWAY. A private roadway or access way providing vehicular access to a parking space, parking lot, garage or other parking area.
   DROUGHT-TOLERANT PLANT MATERIAL. Those plants that tolerate heavy clay to sandy soil with the use of limited supplemental water. Such plants are able to thrive with deep, infrequent watering once their root systems are established (three to 12 month average time period). Plants include those that naturally grow in areas of limited natural water supply and that are adaptable to weather and soil conditions prevalent in the city.
   DRUG STORE/PHARMACY. A retail shop that provides a full range of pharmacy services and sells health and beauty products and general merchandise.
   DWELLING UNIT. Any building or portion thereof designed for living and sleeping purposes that contains independent cooking and sanitation facilities.
      DUPLEX DWELLING UNIT. A building containing two dwelling units designed for the independent occupancy of two households.
      MULTIPLE-FAMILY DWELLING UNIT. A building or portion thereof containing three or more dwelling units designed for the independent occupancy of three or more households.
      PRIMARY DWELLING UNIT. An existing single-family residential structure on a single lot with provisions for living, sleeping, eating, a single kitchen for cooking, and sanitation facilities occupied.
      SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING UNIT. A detached building containing no more than one dwelling unit which, regardless of form of ownership, is designed and/or uses to house not more than one household, including all domestic employees for such household.
(Ord. 1346, passed 5-2-12; Am. Ord. 1374, passed 9-2-15; Am. Ord. 1430, passed 12-5-18)