§ 153.165.060 TREE MASTER PLAN.
   (A)   Prepare Tree Master Plan. The Tree Officer or other employee designated by the Chief Executive Officer, in consultation with the Public Works Director, shall authorize preparation of a Tree Master Plan. The Tree Master Plan shall apply to Public Trees and shall include, in general, maps of streets and public areas in the city upon which there shall be designated a general plan for the uniform planting of trees, and specifications for the size and type of such trees permissible within parkways and other public places within the city. No species other than those included in this list may be planted in public areas without written permission of the Tree Officer.
   (B)   Administration and implementation. The Tree Department shall be responsible for administering and implementing the approved Tree Master Plan, and recommending to the Tree Advisory Board any changes or additions to the Tree Master Plan.
(Ord. 1346, passed 5-2-12)