(A)   Off-street parking waiver. A maximum of 40% of the off-street parking required by this subchapter may be waived when the lot or parcel of land is located within 500 feet of a city-owned public parking facility, with such distance measured between the property line of the subject parcel and the nearest point of the city-owned public parking facility.
   (B)    Waiver application and in-lieu fee. An application for waiver shall be reviewed by the City Council, which shall consider the effect that the waiver would have on the availability of and need for public parking within the neighborhood of the project. The City Council may approve the application in whole or in part, or may deny the application, as it determines appropriate to protect public health, safety and welfare. If the City Council determines to grant the application in whole or in part, the developer of parking the lot or parcel shall pay to the city an in-lieu parking fee for each space waived, in an amount to be established by resolution of the City Council.
   (C)   Parking in-lieu fee special fund. All fees collected pursuant to this section shall be deposited into a special fund that shall be specifically utilized for the purposes of providing for, facilitating the use of or maintaining city-owned public parking spaces.
(Ord. 1346, passed 5-2-12)