Sec. 32-128. Site development plan.
   A site development plan drawn to scale shall contain the following information for both multifamily and single-family dwelling and commercial properties:
   (1)   Multifamily:
      a.   The name of planned development;
      b.   The exact boundary lines of the planned development fully dimensioned by lengths and bearings, and the location on intersecting boundary lines of adjoining lands;
      c.   Scale denoted both graphically and numerically;
      d.   The plans for utility layouts, including sewers, storm sewers, water distribution lines, natural gas, telephone and electric service, illustrating connections to systems and/or sewage disposal systems. Plans must show line sizes, the location of fire hydrants, blow-offs, manholes, pumps, force mains, and gate valves;
      e.   Street names;
      f.   The location, purpose, and dimensions of areas to be used for purposes other than residential;
      g.   Minimum building setback lines;
      h.   The names of owners of adjoining properties and any adjoining subdivisions of record (or proposed and under review);
      i.   The location and dimensions of all rights-of-way, utility or other easements, riding trails, natural buffers, pedestrian or bicycle paths, and areas to be dedicated to public use with the purpose of each stated;
      j.   Right-of-way lines, and pavement widths of all streets and the location and width of all adjacent streets and easements;
      k.   Property lines, building or other structures, watercourses, bridges, culverts, storm drains, and water retention or detention areas on the land to be subdivided;
      l.   Sufficient engineering data to determine readily and reproducible on the ground every straight or curved boundary line, street line, lot line, right-of-way line, easement line, and setback line, including dimensions, bearing, or deflection angles, radii, central angles and tangent distances for the centerline of curved streets and curved property lines that are not the boundary or curved streets. All dimensions shall be measured to the nearest one-tenth of a foot and all angles to the nearest minute;
      m.   The accurate locations and descriptions of all monuments, markers and control points;
      n.   The deed restrictions or any other similar covenants proposed for the planned development, if any;
      o.   The date of the survey and plat preparation;
      p.   North arrow and declination;
      q.   The name and location of any property, within the planned development or within any contiguous property, that is listed on the U.S. Department of Interior's National Register of Historic Places; likewise any property that has been designated by local ordinances as an historic property pursuant to 160D-940 et seq.
      r.   The name, address, and telephone number of owner, registered surveyor, land planner, architect, landscape architect, and professional engineer responsible for the subdivision and the registration number and seal of the professional engineer and registered surveyor;
      s.   Flood hazard areas according to most recent FEMA flood insurance rate map stating date of map adoption;
      t.   Topographic information showing vertical contour every two feet;
      u.   Show boundaries of areas of environmental concern (CAMA), show boundaries of outstanding resource waters (DEM), and show COE 404 wetlands;
      v.   Total number and location of proposed dwelling units and other structures; total residential floor area; total height; total open space area;
      w.   An inventory of all trees of caliper greater than 12 inches at four feet above ground level, those existing and those to be removed;
      x.   Provisions for open space;
      y.   Any other information requested by the village planning board or council.
   (2)   Single-family. For all single lot development proposals, a site development plan, drawn to scale, shall contain the following information:
      a.   A perimeter survey showing:
         1.   The lot boundaries, the bearing and distance of each;
         2.   The location of applicable front, side and rear yard lines; adjacent streets;
         3.   Any and all existing structures showing the location thereof on the survey, as well as distances from the closest lot line;
         4.   Any and all proposed structures or proposed alteration or extension of an existing structure;
         5.   All existing and proposed structures and intended use;
         6.   Topographical information showing vertical contours every two feet;
         7.   Boundaries of areas of environmental concern as defined in the Coastal Area Management Act;
         8.   The 404 line as established by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and any other pertinent information necessary to determine compliance with the Coastal Area Management Act, Federal Emergency Management Act, and any other local, state, or federal statutes, ordinances or regulations applicable to the lot;
         9.   Proposed location of driveway;
      b.   The location and square footage of the proposed structure or addition thereof and its total height;
      c.   The total square footage of the lot;
      d.   The total square footage of the lot covered by impervious cover;
      e.   The type of sewage disposal system and proposed source of potable water;
      f.   A detailed site plan for the lot, which shall show the locations and types of naturally occurring vegetation and growth, including all trees thereon with a trunk equal to or greater than 12 inches in width at a height four feet above the ground, and the locations thereof. The drawing shall include the limit of construction line and proposals for restoration or relandscaping of any area of vegetation disturbed by the proposed use;
      g.   Such other information as may be required by the zoning officer concerning the lot as may be necessary to determine compliance of the proposed development of the site with this chapter; and
      h.   Planting plan.
   (3)   Nonresidential commercial. For nonresidential (commercial)all elements under subsection (1) a. through x. of this section.
   (4)   Vesting approval. Vesting provision-approval of a site development plan by the village council will vest a property with zoning rights applicable at that time. Such vesting approval is valid for a period of two years. This vesting is intended to carry out provisions of G.S. 160D-108.1 and site development plans as used in this chapter constitute site specific development plans under the statute.
(Ord. No. 29, § 8.8, 8-17-1991; Ord. No. 2021- 0607, § 1, 6-28-2021)