Sec. 32-82. Action by the applicant.
   (a)   Initiation of amendments. Proposed changes or amendments to the zoning map or text of this chapter may be initiated by the village council, planning board or any interested party.
   (b)   Application. An application for any change or amendment shall contain a description and/or statement of the present and proposed zoning regulations or district boundary, and the names and addresses of the owner or owners of the property involved. Such application shall be considered at the next meeting of the planning board held at least 30 days after the filing but no more than 75 days after the filing.
   (c)   Fees. There shall be a nonrefundable fee, according to the schedule adopted by the village for each application for an amendment, to cover costs of advertising and other administrative expenses involved.
   (d)   Public hearing notices. When a change in the zoning classification of a piece of property is requested, the applicant shall provide to the zoning official, a list of names and addresses, as obtained from the tax listings and tax abstract, of all abutting property owners and all owners of property under consideration for rezoning along with three sets of business (#10) envelopes stamped with a first class stamp and addressed to each person on the list. These addressed envelopes and the list shall be submitted at least 15 business days prior to the public hearing of the planning board. The zoning official shall verify the list, then mail notices of the public hearing to each person on the list at least ten but not more than 25 days prior to the date of the hearing and shall certify that fact to the village. Such certification shall be deemed conclusive in the absence of fraud. For zoning map amendments notice shall also be made by posting the property concerned at least ten days prior to the date of any hearing thereon. The second set of envelopes shall be used for notification of the recommendation of the planning board. The third set submitted will be used for notification of the village hearing.
(Ord. No. 29, § 5.2, 8-17-1991; Ord. No. 2021- 0607, § 1, 6-28-2021)