Sec. 28-111. Written approval of taxicabs required.
   (a)   Filing of request. Pursuant to Session Law 1997-324, the Village of Bald Head Island Charter, Article X, Section 10.1, all taxicabs operating within the village must receive written approval by the village. A taxicab operator must submit a written request for village approval to the Village Manager.
   (b)   Taxicab approval limit. The Village Manager shall approve no more than three taxicabs for any taxicab operator and not more than six taxicabs to operate within the village, with the following exceptions:
   (1)   A taxicab operator approved by the village pursuant to this division may also apply for, and at the Village Manager's discretion, be granted approval for backup taxicabs. Only three of the taxicabs of any taxicab operator may be in service at any given time. The approval of the backup taxicabs shall not be counted when determining how many taxicabs the village has approved. The out-of-service taxicabs may be kept on-island in a location approved by the Village Manager.
   (2)   If the operation of an approved and permitted taxicab ceases for greater than 30 days, or fails to begin within 30 days of the application for approval, for any reason other than a seasonal hiatus, the village may cancel the approval and approve another taxicab.
   (c)   Request contents. The request for village approval shall include the following:
   (1)   The owner of the vehicle's full legal name and address;
   (2)   A copy of the vehicle registration;
   (3)   Proof of insurance in accordance with this division;
   (4)   Proposed fare rates;
   (5)   Proposed hours of operation;
   (6)   Proposed dispatch location; and
   (7)   Other requirements as determined by the Village Manager.
   (d)   Amendments. A taxicab operator must immediately inform the Village Manager of any changes to the required contents above and the village may modify or revoke its prior approval.
   (e)   Term. The term of any approval shall be two years. Thereafter, the taxicab operator must reapply.
(Ord. No. 2011-0101, 1-21-2011; Ord. of 2019, 10-15-2019)
Sec. 28-112. Taxicab driver's license required.
   Each taxicab applicant must possess and maintain a valid taxicab driver's license and insurance as required by all applicable laws, regulations, and ordinances, and must submit copies of all license and insurance information with the Director for verification. Each taxicab applicant must submit a written application to the Director to operate a vehicle on the village streets and must provide a current driving record. Additionally, in granting or issuing the permission to operate on the village streets, the Director may require each applicant to submit to drug screening and may consider:
   (1)   Violation of any federal or state law relating to the use, possession, or sale of alcoholic beverages or narcotic or barbiturate drugs; and
   (2)   Addiction to or habitual use of alcoholic beverages or narcotic or barbiturate drugs.
   Other requirements or conditions regarding the applications may be imposed by the Village Manager as may be deemed in the interest of public health and safety, and in accord with Session Law 1997-324, the Village of Bald Head Island Charter, Article X, Section 10.1, and G.S. §160A-304, and a permit fee may be assessed as determined by the Village Manager, not to exceed the statutory limits set forth in G.S. §160A-304.
(Ord. of 2019, 10-15-2019)
Secs. 28-113—28-129   Reserved.
Sec. 28-130. Establishment.
   (a)   There is hereby established on Bald Head Island the Harbour Village Parking District ("District"). The purpose hereof is to promulgate and adopt certain regulations and policies pertaining to the parking of vehicles and trailers within the District.
   (b)   The District shall include the right-of-way boundaries of those public streets and alleys that have been dedicated and accepted by the village including: Keelson Row; Leeward Court; Windward Court; Tanbark Court; Transom Row; Turks Head Court; Row Boat Row; Brinkman's Alley; Pequod Alley; and Ebeneezer Alley; in addition to such adjoining areas as may be identified within the terms of this article. It is acknowledged that a portion of the District lies outside of the Harbour Village subdivision boundary.
   (c)   There are created hereby the following parking use designations within the District:
   (1)   No parking overnight;
   (2)   Yacht Club parking only;
   (3)   Overnight parking Harbour Village resident decal only; and
   (4)   No parking.
   There is attached to Ordinance Number 2013-0202 and made a part of this article a plat of the District ("District Overlay") with a color-coded overlay that depicts various use control and designated parking areas within the District ("parking spaces"). The Council may, from time to time, amend the parking use designations and parking spaces by amendment of the plat attached to Ordinance Number 2013-0202. The then-current version of the plat shall be maintained at Village Hall.
(Ord. No. 2013-0202, 2-20-2013; Ord. of 2019, 10-15-2019)