Sec. 10-82. Purpose.
   The purpose of this article is to provide regulations for outdoor lighting that will:
   (a)   Curtail light pollution, reduce skyglow, and improve the nighttime environment for viewing and enjoying the night sky;
   (b)   Protect the natural environment, including but not limited to the use of our beaches by sea turtles, from the adverse effects of night lighting from gas or electric sources;
   (c)   Protect the viewshed of historic Old Baldy, listed in the National Register of Historic Places as Bald Head Island Lighthouse;
   (d)   Minimize adverse offsite impacts of lighting such as light trespass and obtrusive light;
   (e)   Permit the use of outdoor lighting that does not exceed the minimum night-time levels needed; and
   (f)   Conserve energy and resources.
(Ord. No. 42, § 2, 6-15-1996; Ord. No. 2015-1205, § 1, 12-11-2015)