Sec. 10-81. Definitions.
   The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
   Artificial light means any source of light emanating from a manmade device, including but not limited to incandescent, mercury vapor, metal halide, sodium lamps, flashlights, spotlights, streetlights, vehicular lights, construction or security lights.
   Baffled lights means any artificial light which is attached directly to a building and is shielded from horizontal view.
   Beach means that area extending landward from the mean lowwater line to the stable line of natural vegetation.
   Floodlight means any reflector-type light fixture which is attached directly to a building and is unshielded.
   Low profile luminaries means any light fixture set on a base which raises the source of the light no higher than 48 inches off the ground and designed in such a way that light is directed downward from a hooded light source.
   New development means construction of buildings or other sources of artificial light undertaken after June 15, 1996, and shall include remodeling of existing structures.
   Pole light means any light fixture set on a base or pole where the point of light is higher than 48 inches off the ground.
(Ord. No. 42, § 1, 6-15-1996)
   Cross References: Definitions generally, § 1-2.