(a) Declaration of public nuisance. The plant known as Beach Vitex (Vitex rotundifolia), is hereby found and declared to be a public nuisance due to the significant negative impacts this plant has upon the public beaches and sand dunes and loggerhead turtles, piping plovers, and native vegetative noted above. It is estimated that there are five acres of Beach Vitex on Bald Head Island located in at least 32 different locations.
(b) Planting of Beach Vitex prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to plant or cause to be planted Beach Vitex (Vitex rotundifolia) on any property located on Bald Head Island in the County of Brunswick.
(c) Eradication and restoration. In cooperation with the following organizations (others may be added) Bald Head Island Conservancy, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, N.C. Cooperative Extension, South Carolina Beach Vitex Taskforce, North Carolina Beach Vitex Taskforce, N.C. State University, a program(s)will be developed to eradicate Beach Vitex from Bald Head Island. As eradication precedes restoration of these areas with native plants and other appropriate plants will be accomplished. The village will cooperate with private land owners in this task but reserves the right to proceed with the eradication and restoration project even if the land owner objects.
(d) Disposal. Since Beach Vitex has the ability to generate new plants from seeds, stem sections and root sections, the proper disposal of plants and plant parts is important. The village will collect Vitex separately from other yard waste and will treat it appropriately. Beach Vitex clippings will not be chipped and shredded into mulch and distributed around the island.
(e) Financing of this project. The Village of Bald Head Island will provide funding for this project with the expectation that grants will be made available at a later date to provide cost sharing and/or reimbursement for the cost of this project. It is anticipated that it will take three to five years to completely eradicate Beach Vitex from Bald Head Island. Estimated cost is $5,000.00 per acre over this period of three to five years. It is recognized that future programs of education and/or eradication may be necessary and the village may undertake such as the council may from time to time approve.
(Ord. No. 2005-014, §§ 1--5, 10-21-2005)