Any public safety officer of the village who determines that probable cause exists that any person has violated this division shall first issue an oral order to comply with this division. Any person who fails to comply with this division, after being given such an oral order and a reasonable time to comply therewith, or any person who violates this division again within 30 days following the receipt of such an oral order, shall be issued a civil citation carrying a penalty in the amount of $50.00 pursuant to G.S. 160A-175, which penalty shall be exempt from prosecution under G.S. 14-4. Once a public safety officer issues an oral order to comply with this division to any person, the public safety officer need not issue another oral warning to that person prior to issuing a citation, provided that the violation occurs within 30 days of the issuance of the oral order. The civil penalty shall be paid during regular business hours at the office of the village clerk or online at the village website within 48 hours of issuance of the civil citation.
(Ord. No. 2012-0602, 6-15-2012; Ord. No. 2019-10-01, § 4, 2019)