Sec. 4-367. Appeal hearing.
   (a)   Appeals of animal services civil citations shall be heard within 30 days of the notice of appeal, unless a continuance is mutually agreed upon. The appeal hearing shall be held by the health director or his designee. All testimony offered in a hearing held pursuant to this article shall be given under oath and recorded by tape recording or any other reasonable manner. The hearing shall be open to the public. The person requesting the hearing may be represented by an attorney. The animal services director or animal services officer shall have the burden of proving that this chapter has been violated and that the proposed sanction is in accordance with the ordinance. The person requesting the hearing will then be given the opportunity to prove that this chapter has not been violated and/or that the sanction is not in compliance with the ordinance. The person requesting the hearing may admit the violation and confine his proof to showing that the sanction is not in accordance with the ordinance. The animal services director will then be given the opportunity to address any conflicts or inconsistencies created by the evidence or statements.
   (b)   The health director or his designee will render a decision and a notice of decision will be furnished to all parties concerned (complainant, bite victim, animal owner, etc.). If the sanctions/penalties are upheld, the animal owner will have 20 days to pay any fines or fees before collection efforts are initiated. The animal owner may further appeal the decision of the health director or his designee to Brunswick County Superior Court within ten days of the service of the notice of decision.
(Ord. No. 2007-1001, Art. XVII, (2), 10-26-2007; Ord. No. 2007-1003, 10-26-2007)