Sec. 4-336. Method of service and return.
   Unless otherwise specified in this chapter, all notices or citations required to be sent or delivered pursuant to this chapter shall be served and return of service made as follows:
      (1)   Personal service. The animal services director or animal services officer may deliver notices or citations to all persons due a notice or citation pursuant to this chapter. If he does so, he must get the person to sign a certificate verifying that the notice or citation was in fact received, and the animal services director or animal services officer shall sign a return of service certificate verifying that he is fact served the notice or citation. If the person being served refuses to sign the notice or citation verifying receipt of the same, the person making service shall write in the appropriate space "refused to sign". The person's refusal shall not invalidate the service. The animal services director or animal services officer may leave the notice or citation with anyone of suitable age and discretion at the residence or place of business of the person being served. The person serving said notice or citation shall have the recipient sign the service certificate.
      (2)   Registered or ceritified mail. The animal services director may serve notices or citations by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested.
(Ord. No. 2007-1001, Art. XVI, (1), 10-26-2007; Ord. No. 2007-1003, 10-26-2007)