Sec. 4-53. Bites.
   In order that rabies may be controlled and treated, all persons shall comply with the provisions of this section.
      (1)   Persons bitten. Wounds inflicted by any animal known to be a potential carrier of rabies shall be reported immediately to the county health director and the animal services director by the person who has been bitten, or in case of a child, his or her parents or guardian or other responsible party. Any person who has knowledge of a dog or cat inflicting a wound shall immediately report the same to the county health director and/or the animal services director, and provide the names and addresses of the person(s) bitten and the names and addresses of the owner(s) of any animals involved, if known. Every physician who treats a wound inflicted by any animal known to be a potential carrier of rabies shall report the incident to the county health director and/or the animal services director and provide the names and addresses of the person(s) bitten and the names and addresses of the owner(s) of any animals involved, if known, within 24 hours of rendering treatment.
      (2)   Confinement of biting dogs and cats and confinement of animals suspected of having rabies. Every dog or cat that bites a human being shall be confined immediately. The animal shall be delivered within eight hours of the incident, by the owner, to the county animal shelter or to a licensed veterinary hospital. The animal shall be confined for observation for not less than ten days. The owner shall be responsible for the cost of confinement at either place. The animal services director shall have authority to order confinement of a dog or cat to the county's animal shelter or any other appropriate facility. Brunswick County Animal Services may waive the cost of confining the animal at the shelter if the bite occurred on the owner's premises and the animal was provoked. Final authority as to place of confinement rests with the county health director. After reviewing the circumstances of a particular case, the county health director may permit the animal to be confined on the premises of the owner, but only after an inspection and recommendation from the animal services director. The animal services director's recommendation shall be based on whether or not there is a suitable secure enclosure on the premises and other circumstances warrant confinement on the owner's premises.
         a.   An owner or possessor of an animal which is suspected of having rabies shall immediately notify the county health director or animal services director and shall securely confine the animal until further instructed by the county health director or animal services director.
      (3)   Destruction of infected dogs and cats. If a dog or cat, in or out of confinement, develops rabies, as determined by a licensed veterinarian, it shall be the duty of the owner to have such animal euthanized under the supervision of the animal services director. Any dog or cat known to have been bitten by another animal which is known or proved to be rabid shall be euthanized immediately by the owner or by the animal services director unless the dog or cat has been vaccinated against rabies more than three weeks prior to being bitten and is given a booster dose of rabies vaccine within three days of the bite.
(Ord. No. 2007-1001, Art. II, (3), 10-26-2007; Ord. No. 2007-1003, 10-26-2007)