Sec. 30-81. Classification of users.
   (a)   All users are to be classified by the village for rate and fee purposes by assigning each to a user classification category.
   (b)   The following shall constitute the village's user classifications for the purpose of assigning charges and fees:
      (1)   Residential. The following structures, as defined in the village zoning ordinance, single-family, duplex, triplex, quadraplex, condominium, zero lot line structure, townhouse or apartments with dedicated water and /or sewer accounts for each unit.
      (2)   Non-residential. Any user, other than a solely residential user, including, but not limited to, laundromat, restaurant, bar/lounge, public pool or pool house, ice cream shop, hardware store, gift shop, real estate office, florist, general service office, repair shop, motels/hotels, pharmacy, clothing store, beauty or barbershop, and other commercial or public use structures, and all mixed use structures (as defined in the village zoning ordinance) that include both residential and non-residential water and/or sewer accounts whether those accounts have separate metering or not.
      (3)   Rates are based on design (REU's) Residential equivalent units.
(Ord. of 10-26-2007; Ord. No. 2023-1101, 11-17-2023)