(a) At such time as public water or sewer becomes available to a property, a direct connection can be made at the owner's discretion. The property owner must complete a request for service and pay the appropriate connection charges in full to receive water or sewer service. Sewer connections must be made if the on-site system does not meet local health department guidelines, and as otherwise herein required. Sewer connection charges will not apply if the property owner is currently paying monthly sewer fees and if the connection is deemed necessary by the director of public services.
(b) If an existing well is to remain in service for non-potable use only, any cross connections from such private well to the public system shall be eliminated at the time of connection.
(c) Any existing septic system or similar private disposal facility (at the owner's expense) shall be abandoned as provided herein, pumped out and filled with suitable material in such a manner as to leave the abandoned facility in a safe and sanitary condition.
(d) All usage fees, in accordance with the village fee schedule, shall be charged to those being served by the water or sewer system and billing will commence immediately following connection.
(e) New sewer connections shall be properly designed and constructed in accordance with such guidelines as published by the environmental protection agency or other regulatory agency, and approved by the village. Under no conditions shall sanitary wastewater be discharged into any storm sewer system.
(Ord. of 10-26-2007; Ord. No. 2021-0801, § 7, 8-20-2021)