Sec. 26-162. Street name signs.
   (a)   The subdivider shall be responsible for erecting one street name sign at each intersection in a form acceptable to the village manager. The subdivider is also responsible for erecting stop and yield signs where needed in the subdivision based on approval of the village manager. Stop signs shall be erected at any intersection directing traffic on the inferior road to stop and yield to vehicles traveling on the dominant road.
   (b)   Street name signs shall be consistent in size, height, appearance, and manner of erection of those already established on the island.
   (c)   If street name signs are erected after any utility may have been installed in a right-of-way, the subdivider is to coordinate with utility representatives, public and private, to avoid damages to buried cables, lines or pipes, and satisfy any requirement of such companies and/or governmental entities.
(Ord. No. 8A, art. VII, § II, 7-17-1998)