Sec. 26-10. General procedure for plat approval.
   (a)   After July 17, 1998, no subdivision plat of land within thejurisdiction of the village shall be filed for recordation until it has been submitted to and approved by the appropriate village agency or has been determined to be exempt from the approval process and until this approval or exemption is entered in writing on the face of the plat by the official designee of the approving authority. The register of deeds shall not file or record a plat or subdivision of land located within the territorial jurisdiction of the village that has not been executed in accordance with these provisions, nor shall the clerk of superior court order or direct the recording of a plat or heir division if the recording would be in conflict with this section.
   (b)   No parcel identifier number as referred to in G.S. 161-30 shall be assigned to any map, deed, deed of trust or other instrument affecting real property if the instrument subdivides land and creates a subdivision of land in violation of this chapter.
   (c)   No subdivider shall initiate the construction of any subdivision improvements, including but not limited to streets, drainage works, utilities or other improvement, nor shall any subdivider sell or contract to sell or otherwise transfer title to any property, the sale of which would constitute a subdivision under this chapter prior to approval of the preliminary plat pursuant to this chapter.
(Ord. No. 8A, art. III, § II, 7-17-1998)