Sec. 26-8. Other definitions.
   Agent means any individual designated by the owner of any land which is the subject of a proposed subdivision as having full authority to act with regard to such proposed subdivision on behalf of the owner in all respects.
   Alley means a private right-of-way primarily designed to serve as a secondary access to the side or rear of those properties whose principal frontage is on some other street.
   Buffer means an area required by this chapter to provide insulation from a nonresidential tract.
   Building means any structure built for the support, shelter, or enclosure of persons, animals, chattels, or moveable property of any kind.
   Building footprint means the land area on which a proposed building is to be located.
   Building setback line means line establishing the minimum allowable distance, as defined in chapter 32, zoning, between the nearest part of any building and the nearest edge of a street right-of-way or property line, when measured perpendicular thereto.
   Dedication means an appropriation of land to some public use made by the owner thereof and accepted for such use by or on behalf of the public. Because a transfer of property rights is entailed, dedication must be made by written instrument and is completed with an acceptance by the village council.
   Easement means grant by the property owner of an interest in land less than the fee simple title thereto for a specified purpose and use by the public, a corporation or persons.
   Emergency vehicle means any vehicle operated by the department of public safety.
   Flood hazard area means any site designated by the Federal Emergency Management Authority (FEMA) as susceptible to flooding, and shown on the official flood hazard boundary map and/or flood insurance rate maps for the Bald Head Island area.
   Lot means a parcel of land whose boundaries have been established by some legal instrument such as a recorded deed or a recorded map and which is recognized as a separate legal parcel for purposes of transfer of title. The lot types are as follows:
      (1)   Corner lot means a lot located at the intersection of two or more streets.
      (2)   Interior lot means a lot other than a corner lot with only one frontage on a street.
      (3)   Through lot means a lot other than a corner lot with frontage on more than one street. Through lots abutting two streets may be referred to as double frontage lots.
      (4)   Single tier lot means a lot which backs upon a limited access highway, a physical barrier, or another type of land use and to which access from the rear is usually prohibited.
   Lot depth means the average horizontal distance between the front and the rear lot lines.
   Lot of record means a lot which is part of a subdivision, a plat of which has been recorded in the office of the register of deeds of the county prior to July 17, 1998, or a lot described by metes and bounds, the description of which has been so recorded prior to July 17, 1998.
   Lot width means the horizontal distance between side lot lines at the front building setback line.
   Manager means the duly employed village manager or such individual as shall be designated by the village manager to conduct such duties and responsibilities as are designated in this chapter to the village manager.
   Official maps or plans means any maps or plans officially adopted by the village council as a guide for the development of the village consisting of maps, charts, and texts.
   Parcel means a tract or plot of land.
   Planning board means the duly appointed planning board of the village, referred to in this chapter as the planning board.
   Plat means a map or plan of a parcel of land which is to be, or has been subdivided.
   Private driveway means a roadway serving two or fewer lots, building sites or other division of land and not intended to be public ingress or egress.
   Private street means any street failing to meet the minimum design and construction standards set forth in section 26-124(f)of this chapter and which may not thereof be accepted for dedication by the village.
   Public street means any street meeting the minimum design and construction standards set forth in section 26-124(f)of this chapter.
   Public utility and maintenance vehicle means any vehicle operated by the village or any public utility used for purposes of installation, maintenance, repair or improvement of any electrical or telephone transmission line, any water or sewer main or other related equipment, any gas pipe main or other similar public utility.
   Right-of-way means any parcel of land designated as a public or private street or dedicated as an easement for electric or utility transmission lines, oil or gas pipelines, water main, sanitary or storm sewer main, shade tree, or any other special use described on any proposed subdivision plat.
   Setback means the required distance in feet from the building setback line to the property line or street rights-of-way.
   Street means a dedicated and accepted public right-of-way for vehicular traffic:
      (1)   Primary thoroughfare means streets as defined in section 26-124(e)(1) of this chapter.
      (2)   Secondary street means streets as defined in section 26-124(e)(1) of this chapter.
      (3)   Cul-de-sac means a short street having but one end open to traffic, the other end of which is permanently terminated by a vehicular turnaround.
   Structure means anything constructed or erected, the use of which requires location on the ground or attachment to something having location on the ground.
   Subdivider means any person who subdivides or develops any land deemed to be a subdivision as described in this chapter.
(Ord. No. 8A, art. II, § III, 7-17-1998; Ord. No. 2013-0501, 5-17-2013)
   Cross References: generally, § 1-2.