Sec. 24-31. Definitions.
   The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
   Excessive weight vehicle means any vehicle having a gross weight in excess of 16,000 pounds per axle.
   Intrusive act and intrusive activity mean cutting, drilling, excavating, removal of subjacent support, and any and all other acts or activities by which the pavement of any public street or roadway or the subsurface supporting material therefor is breached, disrupted, penetrated or damaged in any manner.
   Permit means a permit issued by the village manager pursuant to an application submitted for permission to conduct any intrusive activity.
   Proposed intrusive act means the intrusive act or acts for which a permit is sought.
   Public street or roadway means any roadway, street or other thoroughfare or parking lot owned by the village, including the paved surfaces thereof and all underlying substances placed there for the support and stability of the surface.
   Special weight permit means a permit issued by the office of the village manager permitting certain specified operations of excessive weight vehicles on the streets and roadways of the village.
   Tracked vehicle means any motorized vehicle which propels itself atop and by means of a metal track rather than atop and by means of a rubber tire or wheel, including but not limited to cranes, bulldozers and other such vehicles.
(Ord. No. 30, § 1, 8-17-1991)
   Cross References: generally, § 1-2.