Sec. 22-15. Notice of private stormwater pumping.
   (a)   Any person desiring to pump stormwater, by electrical or mechanical means, to a location that is outside the boundaries of his property or to a location on his property that causes stormwater to discharge to a municipal drainage system or the surface waters of the village, must notify the village building inspector, the director of public services, and the director of the department of public safety of the intent to pump not less than 24 hours in advance of pumping. Section 22-6 notwithstanding, a violation of the mandatory notice provision in this subsection (a) shall result in a civil penalty of $50.00. The civil penalty shall be paid during regular business hours at the office of the village clerk within 48 hours of issuance of the civil citation. Violation of this subsection (a) shall be exempt from prosecution pursuant to G.S. 14-4.
   (b)   Any private stormwater pumping must comply with all provisions of applicable law. This subsection (b) shall be subject to enforcement pursuant to section 22-6.
(Ord. No. 2016-1202, 12-16-2016; Ord. No. 2021-0801, § 4, 8-20-2021)