Sec. 22-5. Right of entry.
   (a)   The village shall have the power and authority to conduct inspections as may be reasonably necessary to carry out its duties pursuant to this chapter and to enforce the terms of this chapter. When necessary to carry out the village's duties pursuant to this chapter or to enforce the terms of this chapter, the designated representatives of the village may enter at reasonable times upon public or private property for the purpose of inspection. All persons owning real estate within the village shall allow the designated representative of the village to inspect such real estate to determine compliance with the terms and provisions of this chapter. No person shall refuse access to the designated representative of the village nor shall any person interfere with any such representative while in the process of carrying out his duties for the village at reasonable times. Any person who obtains a building permit, zoning permit, approval of a land use plan, subdivision approval or other development approval or permit, or which discharges into the village's stormwater system or surface waters, hereby consents to and gives permission to the designated representatives of the village to inspect their premises for compliance with the terms of this chapter.
   (b)   If it is determined that a person has failed to comply with this chapter, a notice of violation shall be served upon that person by registered or certified mail or other reasonable means to give actual notice. The notice shall set forth the measures necessary to achieve compliance with the plan and specify a reasonable time period within which such measures must be completed. The notice will warn that failure to correct the violation within the time period will result in the assessment of a civil penalty or other enforcement action. If the person in violation of this chapter fails to comply within the time specified, enforcement action will be initiated.
(Ord. of 5-20-2000, § 11; Ord. No. 2016-1202, 12-16-2016)