Sec. 22-2. Goals and purposes.
   The central environmental goals of the village are to restore and preserve water quality and the natural ecological functions of the surface waters and groundwaters that are included in its planning area and to reduce the potential for flooding residential areas. In order to meet these important goals, the village adopts this chapter to:
   (1)   Regulate existing developments, new developments, and construction activities in accordance with state requirements and institute additional mandatory requirements to prevent careless pollution of surface waters and groundwater and the creation of additional floodprone areas.
   (2)   Establish the authority of the village to administer and enforce stormwater regulations.
   (3)   Create public education programs so that the citizens of the village will have knowledge of how to reduce and prevent pollution from their homes and businesses.
(Ord. of 5-20-2000, § 2; Ord. No. 2016-1202, 12-16-2016)