Sec. 18-34. Purpose.
   The purpose of this article is to regulate the use of village-owned property in a manner that encourages equitable use by all property owners in an effort to ensure that recreational facilities are adequately maintained and utilized. This article is designed to adhere to G.S. 160A-351, the declaration of state policy, in which making available adequate recreational opportunities for citizens is a subject of general interest, and a function requiring appropriate action by local government. This article shall govern the use of the creek access to further these goals. These regulations represent consideration of the character of creek access points on the island and have been enacted with a view of preserving the existing environment and/or ensuring the development of a future environment that realizes the greatest possible use and enjoyment of the creek access. In addition, this article seeks to provide a safe and attractive recreational area for village property owners.
(Ord. No. 52, art. IV, 11-15-1997)