Sec. 32-404. Supplemental sign regulations.
   The following regulations shall apply for all signs, unless specified otherwise in this article:
   (1)   All permanent or off-premises signs must be made or constructed of wood or other semipermanent materials.
   (2)   All signs shall be set back a minimum of five feet from the property line or ten feet from the edge of the road surface, whichever is greater. This provision shall not apply to traffic signs. Bollard caps, placed on existing street address bollards, located within the street right-of-ways are exempt from this requirement.
   (3)   Traffic signs for private streets shall be allowed in rights-of-way, with appropriate setbacks from roadway surfaces to promote public safety as determined by the village manager.
   (4)   Signs, other than those specified in this article as permitted, shall be considered prohibited signs.
   (5)   All signs shall be nonilluminated, unless otherwise specified.
   (6)   Notwithstanding any other provisions contained within this article, in multifamily developments and nonresidential developments where various uses or occupants are subject to legally enforceable restrictions imposed by covenant or lease the planning board may approve project signage guidelines, if the guidelines are consistent with the intent of this article, and promotes creative and attractive signage, constructed in accordance with a uniform plan of control and approval, so that neither aesthetics nor maintenance standards embodied by this article are compromised.
   (7)   Notwithstanding any other provisions contained within this article, the following locations shall be required to comply with master signage plans reviewed and adopted by the planning board to promote creative and attractive signage, constructed in accordance with a uniform plan of control and approval, so that neither aesthetics nor maintenance standards embodied by this article are compromised:
      a.   Merchant's Row;
      b.   The Bald Head Island Club;
      c.   The Shoals Club.
   (8)   Temporary booths set up during special events may display commercial logos or advertising. Nonpermanent signs erected for special events, pursuant to section 32-401(1)b, may display commercial logos or advertising on a sign which also advertises the name, time, place, and information concerning any such special event.
(Ord. No. 60A, art. VI, § 4, 11-13-1999; Ord. No. 2014-0603, 7-25-2014; Ord. No. 2021-0607, § 1, 6-28-2021)