Sec. 32-403. Sign regulations for commercial and not-for-profit uses.
   The following signs shall require a sign permit unless otherwise indicated:
   (1)   Single business on a single lot.
      a.   Type of signs permitted: building-mounted and door.
      b.   Number of signs permitted: one building-mounted, one door. For buildings fronting on more than one public street, and having more than one public entrance, each frontage with a public entrance shall be considered separately when calculating building-mounted or door sign area. Such buildings may be allowed a maximum of two building-mounted signs and a maximum of two door signs.
      c.   Maximum sign area: nine square feet - building mounted; two square feet - door.
   (2)   Two or more businesses in the same building, or on the same lot or on adjoining properties under the same ownership, and having shared parking lots and/or driveways.
      a.   Type of signs permitted: building-mounted and door.
      b.   Number of signs permitted: one building-mounted signs and one door sign for each business with a separate main exterior public entrance. Where two or more businesses share a main exterior public entrance, one building-mounted sign and one door sign shall be permitted to be shared by the businesses located therein. Where one or more business has a second entrance used as a public entrance from an adjacent parking lot, public street or driveway, one additional building-mounted sign and one door sign may be placed at the second entrance.
      c.   Maximum sign area: nine square feet per sign - building-mounted; two square feet per sign - door.
   (3)   Commercial subdivision or commercial designed complex project identification sign. Freestanding ground-mounted signs, with a maximum area of 24 square feet shall be permitted for the identification of a commercial subdivision or commercial designed complex, if located at the entrance to the project. No more than one sign shall be permitted at each entrance (a maximum of two per project). If such signs are double-faced, the sign shall be limited to 15 square feet per face. The maximum height for these type signs shall be five feet. A permit is required for project identification signs.
   (4)   Not-for-profit business/tax exempt business.
      a.   Type of signs permitted: building-mounted and bulletin boards.
      b.   Number of signs permitted: one building mounted, one bulletin board.
      c.   Maximum sign area: nine square feet--building mounted; 20 square feet--bulletin board (may be freestanding).
      d.   Up to four off-premises signs shall be permitted weekly to promote fund raising events. Signs are to be wood framed with a maximum area of five square feet. Signs are permitted 48 hours prior to the fundraising event and must be removed the day of the event.
   (5)   Additional regulations for signs allowed by this section.
      a.   Unless otherwise indicated, freestanding signs shall have a maximum height of five feet.
      b.   No sign shall project beyond the property line or be located on or project over a private or village right-of-way, except that signs for not-for-profit uses may be allowed within such area if approved by the village manager, upon a determination that the location of such sign does not interfere with utilization of the right-of-way (functional or visual), and upon a further finding that the signs must be maintained by the nonprofit entity responsible for the sign.
   (6)   Additional regulations for sandwich board signs.
      a.   Notwithstanding any other provisions contained within this article, sandwich board signs shall be allowed only in zoning districts that are zoned for commercial use pursuant to section 32-121, et seq.
      b.   Number of signs allowed: one sandwich board sign per business. Except that in cases of commercial buildings that have a single public entrance used by multiple tenants, one sandwich board sign shall be allowed to be shared by the businesses located therein.
      c.   Placement of signs: sandwich board signs may be placed on a sidewalk or other pedestrian walkway directly in front of the associated business establishment. A minimum of five feet of passage must be maintained between the public right-of-way of any street and the sign. In all instances, a sandwich board sign must be placed so as not to interfere with or obstruct pedestrian or vehicular traffic. Sandwich board signs may not be anchored to the sidewalk, or attached or chained to poles, newspaper vending boxes, or other structures or appurtenances. However, in the interest of public safety sandwich board signs may be temporarily weighted down and must be removed in high winds.
      d.   Size: Sandwich board signs shall not exceed two linear feet in width and three linear feet in height on either of the two sides of the sign. Maximum display area for a sandwich board sign is 12 square feet.
      e.   Display hours: Sandwich board signs shall be displayed in front of a business establishment only during the hours that the business is open and only while an employee is present on the premises. Sandwich board signs must be removed at the end of the business day or when no employee is present on the premises, such as during a lunch break where the business is closed.
      f.   No permit required: Sandwich board signs that comply with this section shall not require a permit; however, in the interest of public safety, sandwich board signs that are found not to comply with this section or which present an immediate danger to the public safety may be removed by the Village.
(Ord. No. 60A, art. VI, § 3, 11-13-1999; Ord. No. 2014-0603, 7-25-2014; Ord. No. 2021-0607, § 1, 6-28-2021)