Sec. 32-343. Prohibited signs.
   Signs not expressly authorized by this article shall be considered prohibited in all zoning districts. Prohibited signs shall include, but are not limited to the following:
   (1)   Any sign which obstructs the view of pedestrians, bicyclists, and vehicles at any street intersection or which interferes with the effectiveness of or obscures any traffic sign shall be prohibited. Any sign located in such a way as to deny a visual access to an existing sign.
   (2)   Any sign (other than a government sign) placed on any curb, sidewalk, post, pole, hydrant, bridge, tree, or other surface and located in, over, or across any public or private street or right-of-way, unless expressly authorized by this article.
   (3)   Temporary, nonpermanent signs, including over-head streamers, unless expressly authorized by this article.
   (4)   Any sign that is attached to or mounted on a roof or projects above the plane of the building facade.
   (5)   Any sign which contains or consists of strings of light bulbs.
   (6)   Moored balloons or other floating signs that are tethered to the ground, a structure, or another type of sign.
   (7)   Portable or freestanding signs, including any sign painted or displayed on vehicles if such vehicle is parked in a location for the primary purpose of displaying the sign which advertise or identify a specific commercial event. For purposes of this subsection, the only signs that shall be permitted on electric carts are those that comply with the requirements of section 28-92.
   (8)   Separate signs attached to a freestanding sign or its supporting structure advertising services.
   (9)   Neon or internally lit signs.
   (10)   Off-premises commercial signs, or other off-premises signs unless expressly authorized by this article.
   (11)   Window signs.
   (12)   Revolving signs.
   (13)   Electrically operated, mounted, and illuminated signs.
   (14)   Any moving sign, windblown sign, or device to attract attention, whether or not any such device carries a written message, all or part of which is set in motion by wind, mechanical, electrical, or any other means. This shall include, but not be limited to, propellers, and discs.
   (15)   Any flashing sign or device displaying flashing or intermittent lights or lights of changing degrees of intensity. Any searchlight or similar device.
(Ord. No. 60A, art. III, § 5, 11-13-1999; Ord. No. 2014-0603, 7-25-2014; Ord. No. 2021-0607, § 1, 6-28-2021)