Sec. 32-340. Enforcement and remedies.
   Any violation or attempted violation of this article or of any condition or requirement adopted pursuant hereto may be restrained, corrected or abated, as the case may be, by injunction or other appropriate proceedings pursuant to state law. In the case of a violation of this article, the remedies available to the village shall include the following:
   (1)   Issuing a stop work order for any and all work on any signs in the same lot or lots;
   (2)   Seeking an injunction or other order of restraint or abatement that requires the removal of the sign or the correction of the nonconformity;
   (3)   Issuing a civil citation to cause the violation to be corrected and imposing a penalty for failure to do so;
   (4)   Seeking in court the imposition of any additional penalties that can be imposed by such court under this chapter; and
   (5)   In the case of a sign that poses an immediate danger to the public health or safety, taking such measures as are available to the village under the applicable provisions of this article and the building code for such circumstances.
   The village shall have such other remedies as are and as may from time to time be provided for or allowed by state law for the violation of this article, except that a violation of this article shall not result in criminal proceedings.
(Ord. No. 60A, art. III, § 2.1, 11-13-1999; Ord. No. 2011-0402, 4-15-2011; Ord. No. 2014-0603, 7-25-2014; Ord. No. 2021-0607, § 1, 6-28-2021)