Sec. 32-336. Definitions.
   For the purposes of this article, the following words and phrases shall be defined as specified in this section:
   Banner sign means a sign made of fabric or any nonrigid material with no enclosing framework.
   Bollard means a wooden post constructed and erected for the purposes of location identification of buildings and building sites. All bollards shall not exceed four feet in height.
   Bollard cap means a cover or top for a bollard constructed for the purposes of advertising the sale, rental, or lease of property. All bollard caps must be located on a bollard constructed and erected pursuant to this section.
   Building-mounted sign means a sign attached to, painted on, inscribed on or deriving its major support from a building, including a wall sign, a projecting sign or an awning sign.
   Bulletin board means a board not greater in size than five feet by seven feet used to announce meetings or programs to be held on the premises of a church, village property, library, museum, community center, Bald Head Island Club, or similar noncommercial places of public assembly. A bulletin board shall not contain any commercial advertising or shall be treated as a sign.
   Changeable copy means copy that is or can be changed manually in the field or through mechanical means (e.g., reader boards w/changeable letters).
   Construction sign means a sign placed at the construction site identifying or announcing the project or the name of the architect, engineer, or contractor involved in the development of the project.
   Copy means any words, letters, numbers, figures, characters, symbols, logos, or insignia that are used on a sign display surface area.
   Decorative flag means a piece of fabric bearing a distinctive design which is purely ornamental in purpose.
   Direction sign means a sign directing traffic toward a specific destination remote to the location of the sign.
   Directory sign means a subsidiary sign listing the names, uses, and/or location of various residential developments.
   Door sign means a sign attached to the outward facing side of an exterior door or a sign that is on the interior side of a door, but which is visible from the exterior of the building because the door or part of the door is made of glass or another transparent material.
   Double-faced sign means a sign having two sides bearing similar information on both sides.
   Freestanding sign means a sign, supported by one or more columns, uprights or braces, in or upon the ground, but not attached to any building. A sign attached to a flat surface not a part of the building, such as a fence or wall, shall be considered a freestanding sign.
   Golf course means a course with nine or more holes for playing golf, including any accessory driving range, clubhouse, office, restaurant, concession stand, picnic tables, pro shop, maintenance building, restroom facility, or similar accessory use or structure. This term shall not include miniature golf courses, nor shall it include driving ranges, which are not accessory to a golf course.
   Government means any agency, office bureau, or corporation licensed by any duly authorized authority of the United States, the state, the county, any regional government, or the village.
   Ground-mounted sign means a freestanding sign which extends from the ground or which has a support which places the bottom thereof less than two feet from the ground.
   Holiday decorations means displays erected on a seasonal basis in observance of religious, national, or state holidays, which are not intended to be permanent in nature and which contain no advertising material.
   Illegal sign means any sign erected or maintained in violation of this article or erected, altered, removed, or replaced in violation of this article, or any amendments hereto.
   Instructional sign, on-premises, means a sign designed to guide golf cart and/or pedestrian traffic by using such terms as entrance, exit, one-way, or similar directional instruction, but not including any advertising message. The name or logo of the business or use to which the sign is giving direction may not be included on the sign.
   Logo means a business trademark or symbol.
   Lot means a parcel of land whose boundaries have been established by some legal instrument such as a recorded deed or a recorded map and which is recognized as a separate legal parcel for purposes of transfer of title.
   Multifamily development means two or more multifamily dwellings located on a single property.
   Multifamily dwelling means a building containing three or more dwelling units, and where the building is designed to be or is occupied by three or more families living independently from each other.
   Nonconforming sign means any sign that met all legal requirements when constructed but does not comply with this article or a subsequent amendment hereto.
   Not-for-Profit Business Tax Exempt Business means a tax exempt nonprofit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. § 501(c)(3)).
   Off-premises sign means a sign that directs attention to a business commodity, service, or establishment conducted, sold, or offered at a location other than the premises on which the sign is erected.
   On-premises sign means a sign that directs attention to a business commodity, service, or establishment conducted, sold, or offered on the premises on which the sign is erected.
   Parcel means a tract or plot of land.
   Portable sign means any sign that is not permanently affixed to a building, structure, or the ground or that is not designed to be permanently affixed to a building, structure, or the ground.
   Private road and street mean any road or street which is not publicly owned and/or maintained and is used for access by the occupants of the development and their guests.
   Public street means a street consisting of a publicly dedicated right-of-way and a roadway maintained by the village.
   Right-of-way means an area owned or maintained by the village, a public utility, or a private concern for the placement of such utilities and/or facilities for the passage of vehicles and pedestrians, including roads, pedestrian walkways or utilities.
   Sandwich board sign means a two-sided A-frame style sign that is self-supporting, with no moving parts or lights; displayed outside a for-profit or not-for-profit business, during business hours, to advertise the business, hours of operation, an event, a promotion, or for any similar purpose.
   Sign means any words, lettering, parts of letters, figures, numerals, phrases, sentences, emblems, devises, structures, designs, trade names, or trademarks by which anything is made known, such as are used to designate an individual, a firm, an association, a corporation, a profession, a business, or a commodity or products, which are visible from any public street or adjacent property which by its nature attracts attention.
   Sign height means the distance measured from the highest point of a sign, including any molding, trim, border, or frame from ground level at the base of the sign.
   Temporary sign means a sign that can be used only for a designated period of time.
   Traffic sign means a sign indicating federal, state, or municipal regulations for golf cart, vehicle, bicycle, and/or pedestrian movement, or a sign of similar content installed within a private right-of-way by the owner. A traffic sign within a private right-of-way, may state "Private Road" but may not state "Owners and Guests Only", "Keep Out," or other access restrictions .
   Village manager means the chief administrator of the village who is responsible to the council for administering all municipal affairs placed in his charge by them.
   Wall sign means a building-mounted sign attached to, painted on, inscribed or deriving its major support from a wall, and which projects less than 12 inches from the wall.
(Ord. No. 60A, art. II, § 2, 11-13-1999; Ord. No. 2014-0603, 7-25-2014; Ord. No. 2015-0402, passed 4-17-2015; Ord. No. 2021-0607, § 1, 6-28-2021)
   Cross References: Definitions generally, § 1-2.