Sec. 12-55. Application review; limit on number of permits issued; seasonal limitations.
   (a)   Upon receipt of an application as set forth in section 12-54, the director of public safety shall examine the application in order to determine that the same shall be fully answered and in order to determine whether any further information shall be necessary. Upon determination that the application is complete in all respects, including any additional inquiry that the director of public safety shall make, the director of public safety shall review the circumstances and conditions under which the proposed burning shall take place, the materials of which the applicant shall seek disposal by burning, proximity to structures, firefighting apparatus which shall be at hand, existing and forecast weather conditions, and any and all other conditions which the director of public safety shall find to be relevant and may issue the burning permit if the director of public safety finds, from all of the conditions and circumstances then existing, that the proposed burning shall not present an undue risk of danger to persons or property as a result thereof. Permits shall only be issued to individuals for fires located on the beach within two-hundred (200) linear feet of beach accesses #5, 24, 35 and 39, in the sole discretion of the director of public safety. Permits shall only be issued to commercial entities for fires located on the beach within two-hundred (200) linear feet of beach accesses #5 and 39, in the sole discretion of the director of public safety. Only one (1) permit shall issue per beach access per day.
   (b)   Except as provided in subsection (c), the director of public safety shall not issue more than four (4) burn permits in a single day, not more than two (2) of which permits may be issued to commercial entities.
   (c)   Between May 1 and November 15 of any year, the director of public safety shall not issue more than two (2) burn permits in a single day to commercial entities. Between May 1 and November 15 of any year, the director of public safety shall not issue any burn permits to individuals.
   (d)   Permits shall be determined on a first-come, first-serve basis, subject to the limitations of this division. A citizen, resident, other individual, or commercial entity shall be allowed a maximum of one (1) application and, if approved, one (1) burn permit per day. Commercial entities may apply in advance but must obtain approval and pick up the permit on the date of the fire. Other individuals shall apply on the date of the fire.
(Ord. No. 31, § 3, 11-16-1991; Ord. No. 2013-0501, 5-17-2013; Ord. No. 2017-06-16, 6-16-2017)