(A)   The town cemeteries shall be used only for the burial of human dead.
   (B)   No more than one body or the remains of more than one body shall be interred in a single grave or vault, except in the case of a mother and her newborn baby, or two children.
   (C)   It shall be unlawful for any person to bury any dead human remains including a fetus within the town limits except in the cemeteries owned, operated or controlled by the town.
   (D)   It shall be unlawful for any interment in town owned cemeteries to occur without the installation of a grave liner.
   (E)   Cremations are to be placed in an urn which is to be made of a minimum of heavy duty plastic material. There may be two remains interred into one grave, each in separate urns; one at the head of the grave and one at the foot of the grave. An exception in the case of a newborn baby/small child may be made to place a third Urn in the center of the grave.
(Ord. 76-77-2, passed 8-9-76; Am. Ord. 89-90-12, passed 6-11-90; Am. Ord. 97-98-05, passed 9-8-97; Am. Ord. 01-02-19, passed 5-13-02) Penalty, see § 10.99