For the purpose of this chapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   "CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP." The original certificate given by the town of the original purchaser.
   "GRAVE LINER." A town approved structure, including lid, to be placed in the open grave into which the casket is placed at the time of interment.
   "INTERMENT." The permanent disposition of the remains of a deceased person by cremation, entombment, or burial.
   "LOT." The numbered divisions as shown on the recorded plats, each of which consist of one or more plots.
   "LOT MARKER." Numbers on concrete or other suitable material used by the town to locate the lot.
   "MARKER." A memorial flush with the ground.
   "MONUMENT." Shall include a tombstone or memorial of granite or other material, which shall extend above the surface of the ground.
   "PLOT." A space of sufficient size to accommodate one adult interment approximately four feet by ten feet.
   "TOWN CEMETERIES." Any cemetery owned, operated, or controlled by the town.
   "URN." A vase, including lid, to be placed in the open grave into which the remains of a human cremated body is placed at the time of interment.
(Ord. 76-77-2, passed 8-9-76; Am. Ord. 97-98-05, passed 9-8-97; Am. Ord. 01-02-19, passed 5-13-02)