Traffic shall be controlled by official traffic control signs, signals, markings, and devices in the traffic schedules (referred to in Chapter 75 of this Traffic Code) which is incorporated herein and made a part of the code by reference, copies of which are on file in the offices of the Town Clerk. The Town Manager is authorized to amend the traffic schedules for the streets, highways, alleys, or intersections (excluding speed limits) which are not a part of the state highway system or parts of streets, highways, or alleys which are not part of the state highway system within the town's corporate limits, and such decisions shall be legally enforceable immediately. The Town Manager will then bring an ordinance amendment associated with the changes he or she made to the traffic schedules to the Board of Commissioners at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting for final action. The Board of Commissioners will retain overall authority to amend the traffic schedules for the town.
(Ord. 07-08-26, passed 4-14-08)