Lots created in an Industrial District shall comply with the requirements set forth in Schedule 1278.04(a).
   (a)   Schedule 1278.04(a): Lot Requirements.
   Schedule 1278.04(a)
General Industrial
Light Industrial
(1)   Minimum lot size
1 acre
1½ acres
(2)   Minimum lot width (at the building line)(a)
150 feet
150 feet
(3)   Minimum landscaped open space
20% of lot area
30% of lot area
Notes to Schedule 1278.04 (a)
(a)   Minimum lot frontage is equal to the minimum lot width.
   (b)   Lots of Record. A lot of record existing on the effective date of this Planning and Zoning Code may be occupied by a use listed as a permitted principal use in Schedule 1278.03 for the district in which the lot is located even when the lot does not comply with the minimum requirements set forth in Schedule 1278.04(a), provided the use can be conducted in compliance with all other requirements set forth in this Planning and Zoning Code.
(Ord. 58-01. Passed 5-29-01.)