The City of Austin hereby establishes a culture and arts commission to advise the city council on the development of arts and cultural activities, organizations and facilities in Austin.
   Subd. 1. Purpose. The purpose of the commission shall be to assist Austin in becoming a community in which cultural and arts activities:
      A.   Are recognized as vital components of community life that are worthy of investment and support from the public, private and non-profit sectors;
      B.   Are valued and promoted for their economic benefits and development potential, especially in retail shopping areas;
      C.   Include all ethnic groups in Austin's identity and sense of community;
      D.   Foster creativity and are important in developing skills for a future workforce and provide enhancement for lifelong learners;
      E.   Engage the talents and involvement of retirees and senior citizens;
      F.   Promote the development of a wider array of opportunities for collaboration between community artists and arts organizations.
      G.   Promote cooperation to enhance the public perception of Austin's identity and quality of life in the community itself, the surrounding region, and beyond.
   Subd. 2. Responsibilities. The commission shall be advisory to the City Council and its responsibilities shall include the following:
      A.   Develop, update, and recommend to the council a city mission, public agenda and strategic plan for arts and culture in Austin; including establishing voluntary compliance standards and guidelines for public art within the city of Austin and mandatory review of projects located in publicly owned spaces;
      B.   Provide leadership for updating the comprehensive plan regarding civic arts and culture goals and planning, and provide input for plan revisions;
      C.   Leverage individual, corporate, foundation and city funding for arts and cultural activities;
      D.   Facilitate collaboration and joint planning among public and private agencies involved with related issues such as economic development, tourism, arts education and human rights;
      E.   Provide support in the planning, acquisition and/or development of land and facilities by the city as needed to support Austin's arts and cultural activities and organizations;
      F.   Upon request of the city council, develop and advocate design standards for city facilities, public areas, and/or private development, which represent a coherent image of Austin as a place of unique aesthetic, architectural, and cultural identity;
      G.   Plan and advocate funding for the installation of public art in Austin that enhances the city's appearance and artistic appeal; and
      H.   Foster inclusive and cross-cultural activities to help build community as Austin continues to become more diverse.
      I.   Provide forums and hearings to discuss cultural and public arts projects to facilitate commission recommendations regarding such projects.
   Subd. 3. Membership.
      A.   The commission shall initially consist of seven volunteer members, who shall serve without financial compensation. The commission may be expanded to up to nine members at any time by resolution of the Council.
      B.   Members shall be appointed by the mayor, with the approval of the City Council. Members may be removed at the discretion of the Mayor and Council.
      C.   Members appointed shall, to the extent possible, reflect the diversity of the community and individuals involved in the arts community.
      D.   Members shall serve for three-year terms, except as otherwise provided herein with respect to youth members. Terms shall begin on January 1 and end on December 31, provided that a member shall continue to serve until a successor is appointed. An appointment to fill a mid-term vacancy shall be made by the mayor for the duration of the term.
   Subd. 4. Officers and their duties.
      A.   At the first meeting of each year, members of the commission shall select by majority vote a chair, vice chair, and secretary to serve until the end of that year and until a successor is chosen.
      B.   The chair shall:
         1.   Set the agenda and preside at meetings of the Commission.
         2.   Call additional meetings as needed.
         3.   Assign duties to Commission members.
         4.   Arrange meetings with other commissions, boards, and organizations from the public, private and non-profit sectors as needed.
         5.   Communicate with the city council and staff as needed.
         6.   Provide overall leadership to the commission in carrying out its purposes and responsibilities.
      C.   In the absence of or at the request of the chair, the duties of the chair shall be performed by the vice chair, and in the absence of both the chair and vice chair, by the secretary.
      D.   The Secretary shall keep minutes and maintain permanent records of every meeting of the Commission, and shall submit minutes for approval at each successive meeting. The Secretary shall serve as correspondent for the commission. Copies of the minutes of all meetings shall be filed with the City Clerk.
   Subd. 5. Meetings. The Commission shall meet at least quarterly and as otherwise determined by the chair. A regular meeting may be cancelled by the chair or a majority of the commission.
   Subd. 6. Quorum. For the transaction of business at any meeting of the Commission, a quorum consisting of at least one-half of all members shall be required.
   Subd. 7. Staff support. A city staff member shall act as liaison to the commission, provide staff support, and help get recommendations of the commission on the agenda for consideration by the City Council when necessary.
(Ord. 667, passed 2-4-2019)